With your Bow & Wow membership, you get exclusive access to the finest pet care. When you choose from a wide variety of all-natural products, you get premium deals and treats:

Membership Terms & Conditions
- Pet parents qualify for a bow & wow club membership with a minimum one-time purchase of P2,500 in any Bow & Wow store.
- Members must be at least 18 years of age, and membership shall be open to individual customers only. Corporations, associations, or other entities shall not be eligible for the membership.
Validity & Renewal
- The bow & wow club membership is valid for one year. Members with active purchases within the membership year would be automatically renewed.
- Membership will be cancelled for those that don’t have any purchases from bow & wow within one year. To renew membership, members must make a qualifying purchase at any bow & wow store.
Conditions of Use
- Members must download the bow & wow mobile app on their smartphone to access their membership account and digital membership card in QR code.
- The digital membership card must be presented during purchase to earn points and to enjoy member benefits and privileges. Points shall not be earned retroactively. bow & wow strictly observes the NO DIGITAL CARD, NO MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS policy.
- Membership is non-transferable. Family members can enjoy the shopping benefits of a member only if accompanied by the cardholder.
- Membership is valid at any bow & wow store.
Point System
- Members will be rewarded with one (1) bow & wow point for every P20.00 spent at any bow & wow store.
- There is a minimum purchase of P500.00 total amount to earn points.
- Points are earned on items purchased with cash and credit/debit cards only.
- Purchases paid using bow & wow points, rebate vouchers, gift cards, PR certificates, or other promotional vouchers are not eligible to earn points.
- bow & wow points earned will be credited to the member’s account within 48 hours.
- Members earn double points for every single-purchase receipt of P10,000. (ex 10,000 = 500pts)
- Members will be rewarded with one (1) bow & wow point for every P20.00 spent at any bow & wow store.
Pay with Points
- Members can pay with bow & wow points for any purchase. One (1) bow & wow point is equivalent to P1.00
- bow & wow points are only valid for one (1) year from date of issuance. The validity date will be indicated on the member’s points summary in the mobile app or in-store kiosk. Members may also inquire this information from our Pet Care Advisors.
- To pay with points, member must present their digital membership card.
- bow & wow points are not transferable to any other person or entity.
- For the redemption of bow & wow points, those points reflected in bow & wow records shall be deemed correct and bow & wow has the exclusive right to determine the available amount of points to be awarded to or redeemed by the member.
- For refund of items paid with loyalty points, whether partial of full, customer will be issued a store credit note for the equivalent amount.
- bow & wow reserves the right to amend the points earning rate and restrict or limit the number of points earned on each transaction in connection with special programs, facilities and promotional activities without need of prior notice.
Membership management
- Members shall keep their personal information up-to-date. Any changes may be done via the bow & wow mobile app.
- For security reasons, the member’s name, birthday, and photo may only be updated once upon registration on the bow & wow mobile app. For updates or changes, the member must send a formal request to together with a valid Government ID. Supporting documents may be requested, as applicable.
- bow & wow shall not be responsible for any loss of benefits and privileges resulting from inaccurate or outdated member details.
- Membership may be cancelled or fully withdrawn by notifying bow & wow through e-mail at
Privacy policy
- Member information shall be kept confidential. Any processing of personal data shall be in compliance with the Republic Act 10173 or the "Data Privacy Act of 2012".
- Appropriate measures reasonable to the circumstances shall be implemented to ensure that the members’ information is secured.
- bow & wow shall collect and use members’ information, including personal data, for the following purposes:
- To improve customer service. Member information provided by the members helps bow & wow respond to and support customer needs more efficiently.
- To personalize user experience. Member information and feedback are aggregated and used to understand how members utilize our services and resources, to customize user experience according to group preferences.
- To update members. Member information is used to update members of their membership status and corresponding privileges.
- To run promotions. Member information provided is used to run promotions, such as contests, surveys, and other related campaigns.
- To inform members of the following:
- Information about topics that will be of interest to them and which they agreed to receive;
- Information and updates pertaining to their inquiries, questions, and other requests; and,
- Company news, updates, related product or service information, among others, if the member decides to opt-in to our mailing or SMS list. If at any time the member would like to unsubscribe from receiving future communications, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email or SMS. Alternatively, users may contact bow & wow directly to unsubscribe.
- Member information will not be sold nor rented to any third-party organization. Names and mailing addresses may be accessible to partner organizations of bow & wow for marketing and other legitimate purposes to improve product offerings and customer service.
- In accordance with the Republic Act 10173 or the “Data Privacy Act of 2012”, members are entitled to the following rights:
- Be informed. Members have the right to be notified and furnished with information before personal data enters bow & wow ‘s data processing system.
- Object. Members have the right to object to our processing of our personal data and withdraw consent in case of changes in the information previously provided. Member personal data shall no longer be processed with the exceptions enumerated under the law.
- Access. Members have the right to access or demand access to view practically all that will happen to the member’s personal data, which include but are not limited to the description of the personal data, purpose for collection, collection process, use, distribution, disclosure, storage, disposal, and destruction.
- Rectify. Members have the right to dispute, under reasonable circumstances, the inaccuracies or errors in the personal data and have the same corrected immediately and accordingly.
- Erase or block. Members have the right to suspend or withdraw, order the blocking, removal or destruction of personal data from bow & wow filing system, upon discovery and substantial proof of the conditions enumerated under the law.
- Be indemnified. Members have the right to receive compensation for any damages sustained due to inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained, or unauthorized use of personal data.
- Data Portability. Members have the right to obtain a copy of electronically processed personal data in an electronic and structured format commonly used.
- Data and content about members shall be used for invitations and communications promoting membership and network growth, engagement, and our services.
- Targeted advertisements shall be served to members using the following data, whether separately or combined:
- Data from advertising technologies such as ad tags, cookies, and device identifiers.
- Member-provided information (e.g., contact information, profession, and address);
- Data from purchases (e.g, store, date, product categories, items);
- Information from others (e.g., advertising partners, publishers and data aggregators);
- Information inferred from data described above (e.g., using birthday to infer age, profession for industry, or names for gender).
- We use data (which can include your communications) and cookies in the website and mobile app, as needed to investigate, respond to and resolve complaints and service issues.
Legal Disclosure
- Member information shall be shared when it is required by law, or when such sharing is necessary to protect the rights and ensure the security of members and bow & wow.
- Member information may be disclosed when required by law, subpoena, or other legal process, or if bow & wow has a belief in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (1) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual illegal activities, or to assist government enforcement agencies; (2) enforce our agreements with you; (3) investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations; or, (4) protect the security or integrity of bow & wow.
- bow & wow shall attempt to notify members about legal demands for their member information, including personal data, when deemed appropriate in our judgment, unless prohibited by law or court order, or when the request is for an emergency.
- bow & wow may dispute legal demands when the same is deemed excessive, vague, or unauthorized.
Member consent to terms & conditions
- Enrollment to the bow & wow Membership Program shall constitute acceptance of all the Terms & Conditions herein stipulated.
- bow & wow shall reserve the right to terminate or suspend benefits of any member at its sole discretion, or revoke membership for any breach or violation of the Terms and Conditions.
- bow & wow shall reserve the right to amend or terminate this Membership Program, its Terms and Conditions, or any portion of the program at any time at its sole discretion without prior notice.
- Members of bow & wow shall agree to have his or her information continually collected until the same is no longer an active member of bow & wow.
- Any changes or modifications to the Terms & Conditions shall be effective immediately upon posting to the website and mobile app.
Contacting Us
- For any questions about membership terms and conditions, we may be contacted through the following means:
Mobile: (+63) 917 802 0373
Designation: Data Protection Officer
Dedicated Phone: (632) 637-8888 loc. 1501
Fax: (632) 637-1111