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The bow&wow Times — kitten

How To Feed Your Kittens

Kitten Food  By Ann Roberts Your newborn kitten has a lot of growing up to do! A kitten grows amazingly rapidly in the first six months of his or her life, developing 75% of adult body weight. A kitten's body has to manufacture muscle, bone, hair, teeth and a fully developed immune system extraordinarily quickly. So it's hardly surprising that they're going to need the highest quality nutrition, and plenty of it, to get there. During the initial eight weeks of life, the mother cat's milk is the best food for a kitten. After that, it's time to offer a...

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Happy and Healthy Cat Essentials

Happy and Healthy Cat Essentials
If you’re a new pet parent or you’ve been considering to be one, read up on the most basic things your new kitten will need to be healthy and happy.

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